The secret to any trip is being smart with your money. Its important to know how to save and plan your
expenses so you do not find yourself running out of money on a trip.
Here are a few ways you can cut your expenses and have enough money for your trip;
First things first, you need to write down all your discretionary spending, what you spend on online
shopping, food, movies, alcohol, sport betting, mid-day snack,airtime, Suya and junks basically.
If you were to add it all up, what would you get? a large sum of money right? Yes that’s right. Someone
once said to me, if i were to save up money spent on Internet data usage, he would own a Benz by
now. Financial experts call this “phantom expenses” We never know they are there because the
expenses are so small, even a daily bottle of water or candy bar can make a substantial difference over
the course of the year.
We all know about budget traveling, but no matter how a travel is on a budget, it still requires money.
There is absolutely no way around it, money is involved, you can not avoid it, so in order to save for our
trips, we need to cut down expenses like:
- Cut down your daily avoidable expenses ( junks, data, online shopping, etc)
- Find a savings app that allows you to save over a period of time without access to withdraw your
money(cowrywise, piggyvest also the traditional piggy banks can be helpful as well)
-Sign-up for travel newsletters , for updates on last-minute sales or special deals. - Build a network on couchsurfing ( helps to make lot of friends across the globe) they can offer you
cheap deals as well. - Earn extra money on the side ( side hustle is important, helps to boost monthly income)
Do you know other ways to save for your trip? share with us in the comment section.